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Located at the top of Seneca lake, the picturesque city of Geneva seems quiet and tranquil; while Hobart and William Smith Colleges sits on the far end of town, the two communities coexisted. Campus unrest rocked the Colleges during the 1960’s-70s. The campus began to transform not only academically, but socially, while there was an increase in drug use, and protests that further divided Geneva from the Colleges. “Martin Corcoran, a history major whose mother and father were both born in Geneva, states that the major objection to the Colleges among Geneva citizens is the drug situation. He also mentions that he himself, when he was younger, resented Hobart students for what he considered their superior attitude.” (Geneva students at HWS ) The main objective of this project is to analyze polarizing events and movements that happened at the colleges, by looking at primary source material from the Colleges and from the city of Geneva. By interrogating both sides of the story, we hope it will help viewers better understand the relationship between the Colleges and Geneva during times of social unrest.

Anchor 1

AMST 330: Digital Humanities

Hobart and William Smith Colleges 2019

Kelsea Brown, Pippa Kula, and Rachel Meller

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